Tag Archives: pancake

The First Sunny Forest School Of The Year

The school went to forest school today and to our amazement it was sunny! Yippee!

When we arrived we started to make the fire so we could make pancakes Yum!

Mrs Finnie started to get out the eggs and water for the pancake mix, she called us up in pairs to make our pancakes . One of the pupils said the pancakes were too sloppy but most of the pupils loved it.

Meanwhile some other pupils were making mobiles one pupil said that her mobile kept on breaking but most of the mobiles look really good!

At the other end of the forest two pupils were making a mud slide and by the end of the morning their waterproofs were as wet and muddy as anything – and that was our morning in forest school.


[Ed.]The Kilmodan Forest School is in a small piece of woodland owned by Donald McPhail who very generously allows the school  access throughout the year. The Forest School’s Mesolithic Day with the Walking Youth Theatre is pictured.