Neily McNaughton has contributed his family tree, some details about the clan he belongs to, and also some photos from a McVicar Calendar which has photos of his Great great grandparents, Duncan and Isabella McVicar.
The McNaughton Clan has been living in the Glen for over 70 years. Houses in the area that are connected to the family are: Ardachuple, Southall, Loch Riddon House, Kyles View, Altgaleraig and the Old Police House:
Over the years members of the family have worked here as: Railway engineer, Teacher, Fishermen, Councillor, Farmer, Marketing Consultant
The family have a big connection to shinty. Members of the family have played for; ColGlen (Colintraive and Glendaruel), Strachur and Kyles Athletic. One family member has won having won the MacAuley and Camanachd Cups.